Younghee Jung
Younghee Jung is currently leading Nokia’s corporate research team, focusing on enablers of social development through mobile technology
Younghee Jung is an explorer of culture and wisdom of everyday living, with a particular interest in reflecting her learnings on how manmade objects or systems influence behaviours and human interactions. Previously a nomadic worker in Seoul, Pittsburgh, New York, Redwood City, Helsinki, Tokyo, London, and Bangalore, she is trying out a temporary settlement in London since 2013. An interaction designer by education, her work has largely centred on developing insights, prototypes, and exploratory concept sketches. She enjoys finding new ways of understanding and learning from people, beyond the conventional methodologies taught in textbooks. Her latest job title is head dreamer for Nokia’s product marketing team, to provide ideas, inspiration and strategy for new mobile products tailored for developing markets.
Open for open questions
Many design and usability research methods cater for delving into a focused topic: You set a goal, establish hypotheses, gather data and gain insight to help create the proof, story, a view point, strategy, or whatever you are looking for – within the given budget and time. However, there can be situations where your research may focus too much on individual ‘trees’ that it cannot provide much information about the ‘forest’. For instance, what if you have perfect usability test data to prove the effectiveness of your design, but your client may be more interested to know what types of people would buy the product (and get disappointed to hear that you don’t know)? What if your polite research participants never want to talk with you about negative things about your design? This talk will share a few anecdotes exemplifying the importance of factoring in the space when exploring broader viewpoints to the user research questions, through informal social encounters, serendipitous interactions, and activities that are designed for cross-examining their results.
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"Thanks again to @clearleft and crew for organizing one of the best conferences I have been to in a long time! #uxlondon"
Josh Brewer @jbrewer
"Back to work after 3 days of inspiration during #uxlondon. Thank you @clearleft for a fantastic conference!"
Gabriel Svennerberg @Svennerberg
"Awesome time at #uxlondon, met some great people and learnt a lot. Very inspiring. Thank you organisers!"
Lorraine Paterson @lorraine_p