Austin Bales
Austin is a Product Design Manager at Facebook
Austin has worked on Growth, Messenger, and News Feed at Facebook. Prior to joining, Austin lead design at Do, a productivity startup. He’s a graduate of Carnegie Mellon’s Industrial Design program and designed products and marketing for Sony, Google, and Ford while at Odopod, a digital agency in San Francisco.
Prototyping with origami & Quartz Composer
Origami is an interactive prototyping library used every day at Facebook. It’s a library built on Quartz Composer, a powerful real-time graphics tool. Origami was instrumental in creating Paper, Home, and Messenger — it’s changed the way our team thinks and designs. This hands-on workshop will teach you how to prototype complex interactions with zero lines of code.
Attendees will:
- See how Facebook prototyped apps like Paper with Quartz Composer and Origami
- Learn everything you need to know to make your own design prototypes
- Create your first composition in class
This class is perfect for interaction designers looking to take their static mockups to the next level. No programming or prototyping experience required!
All speakers
Here's what others are saying about UX London
"Thanks again to @clearleft and crew for organizing one of the best conferences I have been to in a long time! #uxlondon"
Josh Brewer @jbrewer
"Back to work after 3 days of inspiration during #uxlondon. Thank you @clearleft for a fantastic conference!"
Gabriel Svennerberg @Svennerberg
"Awesome time at #uxlondon, met some great people and learnt a lot. Very inspiring. Thank you organisers!"
Lorraine Paterson @lorraine_p