Oliver Reichenstein
Oliver Reichenstein is the founder of Information Architects (iA)
Oliver Reichenstein was born in 1971 in Basel, Switzerland. He learned programming as a computer kid in the early 80ies. After studying Philosophy in Basel and Paris, he started working as interactive brand consultant for Interbrand Zintzmeyer&Lux.
He moved to Japan in September 2003 and started iA Inc in 2005. iA has set new standards in interaction design with clients like DIE ZEIT, Tages-Anzeiger and Freitag and its best selling text editor called iA Writer.
Information Entropy
Will information technology affect our minds the same way the environment was affected by our analogue technology? Designers hold a key position in dealing with ever increasing data pollution. We are mostly focussed on speeding things up, on making sharing easier, faster, more accessible. But speed, usability, accessibility are not the main issue anymore. The main issues are not technological, they are structural, processual. What we lack is clarity, correctness, depth, time. Are there conter-techniques we can employ to turn data into information, information into knowledge, knowledge into wisdom?
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Here's what others are saying about UX London
"Thanks again to @clearleft and crew for organizing one of the best conferences I have been to in a long time! #uxlondon"
Josh Brewer @jbrewer
"Back to work after 3 days of inspiration during #uxlondon. Thank you @clearleft for a fantastic conference!"
Gabriel Svennerberg @Svennerberg
"Awesome time at #uxlondon, met some great people and learnt a lot. Very inspiring. Thank you organisers!"
Lorraine Paterson @lorraine_p