Bryan Rieger
Bryan is a designer and reluctant developer with a past mired in theatre and animation. With over 15 years experience designing and developing software, Bryan’s work has spanned many platforms including print, broadcast, web and mobile. Prior to founding yiibu, Bryan led R&D at a startup in the broadband entertainment space, and worked on early interactive multimedia prototypes for handheld entertainment consoles and devices. A passionate storyteller and incessant tinkerer, Bryan can be found crafting a diverse range of experiences at yiibu, a wee design consultancy based in Edinburgh, Scotland.
Do Androids dream of a great UX?
More than a billion people now use the Android platform. It’s the platform of choice for more than 68% of EU5 smartphone owners, and dominates markets such as Germany and Spain with shares of 75% and 86% respectively. In fast growing economies such as India and Brazil, Android penetration is now approaching 90%.
This would sound almost idyllic, if not for the constant cries of “Android fragmentation”. How do you design for 100s of devices, 1,000s of screen sizes, an audience of billions, and the coming tidal wave of Android-enabled toasters, TVs and wearable devices?
This workshop will arm participants with the knowledge required to approach Android user experience projects with confidence. We will discuss common Android design patterns, and the many built-in features that enable you to design great experiences for such a highly diverse audience.
What attendees will take-away:
- Key ways that designing for Android is different from iOS.
- An understanding of Android design and navigation patterns.
- How to adapt text, layout and images for multiple screen densities.
- How to leverage Android’s responsive and adaptive design capabilities.
- Opportunities to extend the app experience, and enable multi-device interactions.
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Here's what others are saying about UX London
"Thanks again to @clearleft and crew for organizing one of the best conferences I have been to in a long time! #uxlondon"
Josh Brewer @jbrewer
"Back to work after 3 days of inspiration during #uxlondon. Thank you @clearleft for a fantastic conference!"
Gabriel Svennerberg @Svennerberg
"Awesome time at #uxlondon, met some great people and learnt a lot. Very inspiring. Thank you organisers!"
Lorraine Paterson @lorraine_p