Luke Wroblewski
Luke Wroblewski is the author of Mobile First by A Book Apart
Luke is currently the CEO and Co-Founder of Input Factory Inc. a Internet start-up focused on creating big value from micro mobile interactions. Prior to this, Luke was the Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer of Bagcheck which was acquired by Twitter just nine months after being launched publicly.
Before he was founding start-up companies, Luke was an Entrepreneur in Residence (EIR) at Benchmark Capital, the Chief Design Architect (VP) at Yahoo!, Lead User Interface Designer at eBay, and a Senior Interface Designer at NCSA: the birthplace of the first popular graphical Web browser, NCSA Mosaic.
Luke is the author of three popular Web design books (Mobile First, Web Form Design & Site-Seeing: A Visual Approach to Web Usability) in addition to many articles about digital product design and strategy. He is also a consistently top-rated speaker at conferences and companies around the world, and a Co-founder and former Board member of the Interaction Design Association (IxDA).
Luke also founded LukeW Ideation & Design, a product strategy and design consultancy, and taught graduate interface design courses at the University of Illinois.
From the Front Lines of Multi-Device Web Design
It’s hard enough to design a great mobile or Web site but what about experiences that span these devices and more? Join Luke for a set of lessons learned designing Web products that attempt to embrace simultaneous and sequential multi-device use. What worked and, more importantly, what didn’t?
Mobile Input
Being able to access content on mobile devices is only half the battle. People also need to participate. And since they’re likely to have their mobiles with them all day, there’s plenty of opportunities to capture their input. But how? Mobile devices come with a natural set of constraints that’s traditionally made input hard. But there’s hope. In this half-day workshop Luke Wroblewski, author of the best-selling books, Web Form Design & Mobile First, will outline how to:
- Focus your efforts on where input matters
- Take the burden of input off users and onto your designs & code
- Go beyond Web forms to capture user input
You’ll walk away with best practices and inspiration to optimize your mobile Web sites and applications for input that allows your users to buy, communicate, register, and more.
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"Thanks again to @clearleft and crew for organizing one of the best conferences I have been to in a long time! #uxlondon"
Josh Brewer @jbrewer
"Back to work after 3 days of inspiration during #uxlondon. Thank you @clearleft for a fantastic conference!"
Gabriel Svennerberg @Svennerberg
"Awesome time at #uxlondon, met some great people and learnt a lot. Very inspiring. Thank you organisers!"
Lorraine Paterson @lorraine_p